Saturday, October 20, 2007

DA Carson on Emerging Churches in Singapore

The Ichthus Research Centre at

The Emerging Church Seminar

Speaker: Professor D.A. Carson
Date: Friday 26th October 2007
Time: 2.00-3.30 pm
Place: 4th floor, Worship Hall, Block 7
Singapore Bible College
9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886

Admission is free

The is held in conjunction with the Preaching Conference held in the Singapore Bible College on 26th and 27th October 2007.

more details on their website


  1. a seminar on EC by Carson at the SBC? kinda like a seminar on creationism by Richard Dawkins held at the Humanist Society, isn't it? :)

    but...i'm sure there should be *some* value coming out of it...r u going?

  2. creationism...Richard Dawkins...Humanist Society..some analogy. LOL

    I shall be attending his preaching conference so I will also attend this. I am sure there is "some" value somewhere.

  3. Hehe .. I think Alwyn echoed my sentiments exactly. I'm sorry if I am cynical :P

  4. and wow, i just saw yr schedule...really 'tight' man...great that God is using you 'full-time' :)

  5. It wud be interesting to hear Dawkins' talk on creationism hehe.. Got Carson's book on becoming conversant w the emergent, its actually pretty good and valuable! :)

    btw Kam Weng may be planning some talks on current hot potatoes like creationism, open theism, substitutionary atonement and justification by faith some time early next year. Still in the brainstorming stage n will post the details later :)
